Knowledge about Diabetic Foot Care is Related to the Ability to Care for Feet in People with Diabetes Mellitus


  • Yani Nurhayani Ahmad Dahlan College of Health Science Cirebon, Indonesia
  • Titin Supriatin Ahmad Dahlan College of Health Science Cirebon, Indonesia
  • Hani Ruh Dwi Setih Setio Muara Bungo Academy of Nursing, Jambi, Indonesia
  • Ruswati Ruswati Ahmad Dahlan College of Health Science Cirebon, Indonesia
  • Marwati Marwati Ahmad Dahlan College of Health Science Cirebon, Indonesia



Knowledge, Diabetic Foot Care, Diabetes mellitus


The most common complication in people with diabetes mellitus is diabetic foot problems. Efforts to prevent diabetic foot problems can be prevented with proper foot care. Checking the foot every day, whether there are wounds or bleeding, cleaning the foot every day, cutting nails, using comfortable shoes or slippers, and immediately contacting a doctor if the foot is injured. The purpose of this study identified the relationship between knowledge about diabetic foot care and the ability to care for the feet in people with diabetes mellitus. This study used a type of correlation research with a cross-sectional design. The subjects of this study were people with diabetes mellitus, who totaled 26 respondents. Data collection using questionnaires that are distributed to respondents. Univariate data analysis using frequency distribution and bivariate using chi-square. The result shows a relationship between knowledge about diabetic foot care and the ability to care for feet in people with diabetes mellitus. This research contributes to providing knowledge to people with diabetes mellitus. This knowledge contributes to motivating foot care activities to prevent diabetic foot injuries.


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How to Cite

Nurhayani, Y., Supriatin, T., Dwi, H. R., Ruswati, R. ., & Marwati, M. (2022). Knowledge about Diabetic Foot Care is Related to the Ability to Care for Feet in People with Diabetes Mellitus. International Journal of Nursing Information, 1(2), 20–26.


